IRCE Conference

Written by Ken Johnson

Yes, we enjoyed making many new acquaintances, and we thank everyone who dropped by the booth to visit and to ask about the services of CLI. Unfortunately, as exhibitors, we could not participate in the drawing for the new Mercedes, but we hope that you won!

One thing that we heard time and again at the show is that internet retailers need more performance from their email marketing, and many of you want to know more about our Dynamic Content Email. Rest assured that information will head your way soon. As we review each request, we will send the information most pertinent to what you told us about your needs. Look for that information starting on Monday, June 13.

We also know that you want to know who won the Apple Watch. We will hold the drawing no later than Monday, June 13, and notify everyone shortly thereafter.

Again, thanks to all who made our 2016 IRCE such a success, and we hope that you found the show as valuable as we did!