[ MatchXL ]

Moving from Conjecture to Knowledge

MatchXL combines well known attribution characteristics with data from online services. CLI recognizes the importance of accurate attribution analytics and knows the value of combining all sources for matchback precision.

Collecting data is a good start, but employing intelligent analytics that return actionable information is the key to good decisions about marketing. Do you use RFM in your segmentation? Trackable purchase history is a time proven method and it accurately attributes most sales. Do you use Google Analytics to see where your orders came from? Google Analytics is also a proven method to see what is driving your sales. MatchXL puts the two systems together for a more complete picture of the sales drivers.

Catalogers, etailers and store fronts all need to analyze their marketing costs to assure the best choices for advertising, customer retention and customer acquisition. Without solid actionable information, businesses spend blindly. CLI helps capture the right data, helps ask the right questions, and helps clients lead rather than follow.

CLI delivers clear but cutting edge analytics without using buzzwords and jargon. Our goals are clarity and usefulness so that our clients understand their markets, their customers and their expenditures better.

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actionable attribution analytics