[ Enterprise Email ]

Marketers rely on enterprise email marketing more each day, and more marketers rely on CLI.

As marketers make increasing use of email, they discover the importance of doing it well and doing it right. Doing email well means that the design works, the words work, and the brand ID works. Doing email right means that it produces results. One without the other leaves email marketing flat and costs marketers money in lost revenue. So, every component of enterprise email is where CLI helps its clients. Our clients demand the best of CLI, and we respond well to that demand.

Email Consulting and Management Services

Our staff brings years of marketing expertise to consult with clients on how to do email both well and right. From developing your monthly email calendar to planning and implementing automated and dynamic programs, we collaborate with clients to deliver the full package. We bring new ideas to the planning table, coordinate and manage testing programs, analyze and report your results, and recommend future direction.

Email Design and Copy Services

CLI’s design team works with clients to define the best designs that attract customers’ attention and put brands in the best lights. We understand the task of providing a multi-channel brand identity across email, site design, print marketing, and other channels. Staying on message and presenting a consistent brand image matters.

DynamicContent Email

While many marketers think in terms of bulk emails, enterprise marketing touches more than that. The days of sending the same message to a diverse list of customers with diverse interests are winding down. Personalization is the next wave. Fundamentally, at the core of effective personalization is offering customers the exact products that they are interested in and the time they are interested.

Our dynamic content programs can enable you to send emails with unique content to every customer on your list. Customers don’t open emails to see what marketers want to sell, they open emails looking for what they want to buy. When you send an email that contains products from categories they have recently browsed or purchased, with promotions that they have previously accepted you are dynamically personalizing your offer and greatly increasing your chances of making a sale.

Click here to learn more about Dynamic Content Email by CLI

Automated Emails

Doing email right means that transactional emails flow quickly to customers. It means that clients employ triggered emails to communicate with customers who abandoned their carts or who view products multiple times or who match a host of additional criteria. We can help you make the most of obtaining new email sign-ups and then utilizing a new subscriber program to turn them into customers. Follow that with a well-planned first time buyer program and you are well on the way to creating the kind of long term loyal customers who are essential to grow sales and create a recognized and accepted brand image.

We know that automated email routinely get more than double the click through rate of broadcast emails. Not only do they open them more often, they buy more from them. Do you have your transaction email program in order? We can help with that to make sure your customers are happy with the level and quality of communication that they expect.


At CLI we believe that the numbers tell the story. Award winning design that doesn’t produce results is of little value. Innovative personalization efforts that don’t generate increased orders are worthless tricks. Great design, clever personalization techniques, timely delivery, high level coordination, no matter how well conceived and executed, an email program is not a success unless it is delivering or exceeding sales expectations. We set up email programs, test them, make adjustments and test again over and over if necessary, because we know they ultimately it is the numbers they tell the story.

Email Deployment

CLI employs state-of-the art software to deploy emails at rates that assure timely delivery without triggering black listings, and our analysts help clients understand the results through detailed analysis and both understandable and useful reporting.

Doing email both well and right defines the expertise that CLI offers.
It takes the entire package to get it right.