How long has your web site looked the way it looks right now? For how many years do you wear the same clothes?
While we don't think about websites as we think about clothes, still, websites sort of wear out with age. Websites take on a "look". Sometimes that's good, and sometimes, well, it's not so good. Websites that sport designs from yesteryear no longer generate the attraction they once claimed, and when the attraction fades, so fades the revenue. Some website owners just can't understand why their revenue continues falling. Maybe they should look at their website.
With mobile becoming the 800-pound gorilla of the shopping world, if your website does not appropriately respond to small screens, shoppers will not use your siteāat least, most shoppers will not. Yet, some websites do not display to devices responsively, or they do not offer mobile apps to empower their shoppers. Without that, most shoppers disregard the site, and there goes that coveted bookmark with shoppers moving on to your competition.
If you do offer a responsive and/or mobile site, how long since your last website facelift? Believe it or not, my graphic artist friends tell me that even colors go out of style! Really, who would think that?!? Yet, if our website colors "fade" from acceptance, those coveted shoppers may move right along to sites that exhibit a better understanding of the times. Oh, and what about your website copy? Did anyone even read some of that? Old fashioned words (if you're not trying to attract old fashioned people), lack of clarity, and poorly written copy all contribute to potential shoppers moving right along.
Maybe it's time to look hard at your website in ways other than just making sure that the cart works, and while we're at it, just maybe we should check our clothing style, too!