Regardless of the marketing channels you use to sell, your customers either are repeat customers or are new customers. Your repeat customers typically generate the majority of profit, but you need new customers for your business to grow. Achieving a balance between investing in new customer acquisition and profits is a delicate maneuver.
Focusing on repeat customers while not investing in new customer acquisition is a formula for going out of business. You can generate cash and earnings, but you will spiral downward in sales every year until you can no longer survive. We all know companies that focused on repeat buyers for so long that their customers aged out of the target market for their products. They only temporarily delayed the inevitable, but how can an e-tailer acquire customers and stay profitable in the process?
CLI works with many multi-channel merchants who list new customer acquisition among their greatest concerns. The traditional sources of acquisition simply do not respond as they once did. We see dramatic changes in the list industry, and even list consolidators and coops fell on hard times. But the resourceful are surviving.
No one offers a simple solution to keeping customer files fresh, but we can employan array of incremental initiatives that help achieve the goal. Here are some to help you start.
CLI can help you with these initiatives and many more. Solving problems that are critical to multi-channel marketers sits at the heart of CLI. We commit to helping you flourish in the face of great challenges and not just survive. Contact us to learn more.